Knowledge Base


Joforce lets you group different users, roles, roles, and subordinates within your organization. You can also group multiple groups into a single one. This can be helpful in sharing the common set of     records with all your members.

  • Users – Select users to be included in the group
  • Roles – Include all the users associated with the Role
  • Roles and Subordinates – Include all the users associated with the role and its subordinate role
  • Group – Includes all the users associated with a group

Creating a new group #

With Joforce, you can create new groups and edit any group based on your needs. To create a new group,

  • Click on the Left SideBar → Settings → Navigate to the User Management section → Groups → Add Group
  • Add the following values,
    • Group Name – Provide the group name
    • Description – Add a description of your Group
    • Group Members – Choose the members (Users, Roles, Roles and Subordinates, Group) to be included in the group
  • Finally, click on Save.

To edit the existing group,

  • In the group list view, click on the edit icon of the desired group.
  • Make the necessary changes and then click Save.


Deleting a group in Joforce #

If you no longer need any of the existing groups you can easily delete any group

  • In the group list view, click on the Trash icon of the desired group.
  • In the Delete group overlay, you can transfer the responsibilities to another existing group.
  • Choose the option from the drop-down of the Transfer ownership and click Save.
  • Once you hit Save the information is transferred to another group and the group will be deleted.