Knowledge Base

Introduction for Joforce Multi Company

Multi Company for JoforceCRM is an extension which lets you handle and organize multiple companies and its records inside JoforceCRM in one installation. You can create more companies and new records for these companies and assign them to the roles in CRM. The records are separately numbered with specific prefix as per your requirements that helps you easily identify records of different companies.

Module Installation #

To install SmackMultiCompany module in JoforceCRM, follow the steps below:

  • In your JoforceCRM, click User Profile → Settings → Modules.
  • Select Install Module from Zip and then click Select from My Computer button.
  • Upload the package you downloaded from our website. Make sure to enable the ‘accept with disclaimer and would like to proceed’ checkbox.
  • Select Import and then check the ‘accept license agreement’ checkbox.
  • Click Import Now to start importing the module inside JoforceCRM.

Configure module in JoforceCRM #

You can find the module in JoforceCRM Settings under Extensions.

  • Click on the module. The module automatically turns on by default.
  • Here you can enable Multi Company separately for each individual module in JoforceCRM.
