Knowledge Base

How to Create Tickets inside Organizations

Custom Tickets Widget in Joforce Organizations #

If you enable the ‘SmackWidgetAccountTickets’ module, the custom Tickets widgets are automatically added in the Organizations record Summary view.

  • Go to the Organizations module in Joforce and select one record.
  • In the record Summary view, Custom Tickets Widget is added.
  • It’ll display records in Tickets Widget if Tickets are related to the Organizations record.



Create Tickets inside Organizations #

JoforceCRM Widget Account Tickets enables you to create new tickets for the Organizations record.

    • In the Organizations record summary view, Click on the Add icon to quick create Tickets.


  • It’ll show the Quick Create Ticket pop up window.


  • Here provide the Title, Assigned to , Priority, Status and Description.
  • Then save the Ticket.
  • You can view the created tickets in Tickets block inside Organizations record detail view. It’ll list all the related Tickets of that Organizations record.
  • Once you create a Ticket inside Organizations module, it’ll be saved in your JoforceCRM Tickets module.